Product Updates
New updates and improvements.
- Introduced additional calculations for trailing periods and introduced calculations for future periods including “Next Period” and “Leading Periods”
- Introduced Spanish translation support
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue where calculation order was lost in Reviews
- Fixed issue with displaying duplicate Dimensions in the Dimension table on metric pages
New Feature: Outliers (experimental)
- Introduced ability for users to receive outliers for any metrics they’ve subscribed to
- Introduced sensitivity configuration for outlier detection
Performance Improvements
- Improved caching and perfromance of object selectors and omni-search
- Introduced unlimited scoll for dimension-values, improving app performance with high cardinality dimension values
UI Upgrades
- Expanded use of iconography for metrics, dimension and dimension-values
- Fixed issues with Review creation and saving
- Fixed ability to group-by dimensions and filter to dimension values