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dbt Semantic Layer

Connect the dbt Semantic Layer to leverage your existing metrics and dimensions in

New to


To connect to the dbt Semantic Layer, you must first set up and have access to the feature in dbt Cloud.

Don't have the dbt Semantic Layer yet?

Learn how to get started using dbt's documentation.

Step 1 - Generate a service token

Generate a service token for use in

Step 2 - Configure Connection in

Access URLThe access URL for your account's dbt Cloud region. You must always add the semantic-layer prefix before the access URL.For dbt Cloud deployment hosted in North America, use
Environment IdThe unique identifier for the dbt production environment, you can retrieve this from the dbt Cloud URL when you navigate to Environments under Deploy.If your URL ends with .../environments/222222, your environmentId is 222222
Service Tokendbt Cloud service token with “Semantic Layer Only” and "Metadata Only" permissions. Create a new service token on the Account Settings page.token=SERVICE_TOKEN

Usage Notes

Changing Metric and Dimension Names

If you change a metric or dimension name in MetricFlow, it will be recongnized as a new resource, and the existing resource will fail.

  • To propograte any changes in your MetricFlow configuration, you can update the connection in's settings under Integrations.
  • After connecting with the dbt Semantic Layer, all suported metrics will become available in Our system may not support all metric types. Please reach out if you encounter any issues and we can help you get setup.